Hello, my story shows how wonderfully God answers prayer for our loved ones.

My grandfather who I never met because he was killed in the First World War became a Christian after he was married and had two sons. He prayed for his wife and family that they too would become believers, but he never saw his prayers answered in his lifetime.
My father had no time for God; neither did my mother. I was born into this family, but God had His hand upon me from the age of three. I begged my mother to let me go to the Sunday School up the road from us. At 6 years old my mother and I were evacuated and we lived with a Christian family who took me to church and treated me as their own.
After the war, we returned to our hometown where our house was bombed and we were given a home by the local Council. My first desire was to find a church. I joined the Guides and at the age of 10½, I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour.
I prayed for my paternal grandmother and she became a Christian before she died and she led her sister to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I also prayed for my Mother and Father. My Mother came to the Lord when she was 80 years old. We had lost contact with my Father. I had not seen him since I was 13 years old.
When I was in my 50’s we had a phone call to say my Father was trying to find me. By this time I was married and had a family of my own.
When we met up again he was 82, we had not seen each other for 42 years. He asked me about my life and I was able to give him my testimony. Not long after we met he was told he had a brain tumour and we were then visiting him regularly. One day he asked my husband to pray for him that he might become a Christian. He didn’t live many months after that but Praise God he went to be with his Saviour.
My Granddad’s prayers were answered!
If you too are praying for a loved one, do not give up praying!