Worship Services
We meet to worship God through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Everyone is welcome. There’s no formal dress code.
Sunday Services
We are currently meeting in the Hamlyn Suite at Derby Conference Centre. If you have difficulty finding us, please ask for directions from reception in the main building. Ample free parking is available.
Our services are at 10am and 4:30pm. Both are a straightforward combination of hymns, prayer and a Bible message.
Families and children are warmly welcome – the good news of Jesus Christ is for people of all ages! There is a Children’s Talk during the morning service.

Wednesday Evening
Our midweek Bible study and prayer meeting is held at 7:30pm every Wednesday, in the church building on Traffic Street.
This more informal time can include news, discussion and prayer together for the church’s needs and the wider world.
We are currently trialing Shared Life Groups in members’ homes on the 1st Wednesday of every month. Therefore there will be no central prayer meeting and Bible study on the 1st Wednesday of each month.