IMPORTANT! Coronavirus Advice 13/03/20

We will continue to hold our meetings and services until advised otherwise (we will not however be visiting the Nursing Homes for services). 

We will take special measures to ensure Communion bread and wine are served individually.

If you have symptoms of the Coronavirus please do not attend any meetings at the church.

If you are in the high-risk category for infection we strongly suggest you consider staying at home also.

Please bring your own Bibles & pens to church – we will be using service sheets (in this way, hymn books & Bibles will not be passed around to prevent infection spreading).

Recordings of the messages preached each week are available on the church website so you can hear Sunday’s messages as soon as they are loaded to the website on Monday.

Those on the “Hospitality Rota” should feel no obligation to provide hospitality to others. 

We remind you of the current guidelines issued by the Government to help prevent infection, namely:

  • Regular hand-washing with soap and water (for the duration of at least 20 secs). 
  • If you have some available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer at regular intervals.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze, putting used tissues in a bin immediately. 
  • Wash your hands afterwards.
  • Minimise physical contact (hand shaking etc.).
  • Should you experience a new and continuous cough and/or a high temperature you should self-isolate (do not leave your home) for 7 days from when the symptoms first started. 
  • Should symptoms worsen during that time, then you should visit the NHS 111 online service: If you do not have internet access, contact the NHS Helpline on 111. 
  • Individuals should assess their own vulnerability if they have underlying or chronic health conditions. 

We will make every attempt to clean and sanitise surfaces such as door handles etc after each meeting so that the church is as clean an environment as possible as we enter the building for the next meeting.

As a church family we must do all we can to protect, help and encourage one another. Please pray for wisdom and that God’s will might be done in these difficult times.

We will update you further as things develop and the Government issues further advice.

Church Elders & Deacons

David, Peter, Richard, Martin & Lee  

Castlefields Church

A Bible-believing evangelical church, based in the heart of Derby, UK. We are a community of people from many different backgrounds who have found friendship, answers and hope in the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. Come and see us soon!